Campaigns Cycling Infrastructure Walk Ride subgroups Walking

#Safestreets Campaign: Making Space for Distancing

Words by Claire Stocks.
(Photo credits below)

We’re urging all Walk Ride supporters to do our bit to help make sure people on foot or bike can physically distance while travelling to work, doing essential shopping or taking basic daily exercise.

Washington concrete distancing space

We’re asking all our supporters to urgently get involved by doing some or all of the following;-

  • Write to your local councillors asking for support temporary measures – via this easy-to-use template (or this one) – as well as your MP (find yours here)
  • It’s best to adapt the template with your own points – some councils say they’ve had no reports of any issues with walking and cycling
  • Create a list of the most urgent local hotspots where it’s hard for people in your community to keep distance safely – either through your local WalkRide group, or Covid19 community group
  • We advise you might want to
    • Prioritise areas people are unsafe from lack of distancing or roads e.g. shops
    • Prioritise areas of most obvious whole community need, especially key workers
    • Include other ideas – but be clear where these are longer term/ less urgent
    • Abide by physical distancing/Covid19 guidelines while carry out any of this work
  • Post examples on social media, using #safestreets (or #safestreets+yourplacename)
  • Team up with your local community or mutual aid group
  • Advocate in the most positive way –  scroll down for our guide

To get involved please join the conversation on our Slack space (slack is a virtual collaboration space we’d like active Walk Ride supporters to join, since physical distancing prevents face to face meetings) and/or email


Stockport Council Collaboration

In the borough of Stockport – Walk Ride groups for The Cheadles, Hazel Grove, The Heatons, High Lane, Marple, Romiley and SK3 came together (virtually) to do exactly this – and within a couple of days last week created this map of quick wins across the borough.

All 116 of them!

This was shared with grateful council officers and by Thursday, staff were busy working through the list, as well as other submissions, to prioritise places where action may be required.

Stockport map_distancing locations

Could you help your borough be next?

We’re asking all Walk Ride groups to see what can be done in their area, either via a Google map, or just a simple list.

We understand the Bee Network team may provide a map – news is expected in the next few days, so look out on social media – but if not Walk Ride GM will look at providing a solution.

Please join the conversation via our Slack space – where we can team you up with someone else from your area or local group – or message via our Facebook page / on Twitter.

Top photo: Residents in Barnes cone off a lane of the shopping street to make it easier to distance & support traders. Photo by Charlie Campion.

Middle photo: Measures that can be implemented quickly & cheaply are best (Washington DC)

Bottom photo: Stockport Council area quick wins map.

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